10 Best health supplements for your hair

 Healthy and strengthened hair is a dream of everyone. Healthy hair is a result of good health and a lifestyle. Healthy eating is a solution for most hair problems and deficiencies. But in some cases, your hair needs some extra care and healthy eating alone can not be beneficial. In that case, intake of health supplements will do great.


Hair growth supplements are frequently used to encourage healthy hair growth and regrowth process. Hair growth supplements can help you regain hair growth and prevent other hair problems if your hair damage and hair loss are associated with nutritional deficiency. These supplements are not only beneficial for hair but also the health of the overall body. When you take an oral supplement, it enters your bloodstream and feeds all your cells and your hair follicles. Hair depends on protein, iron, zinc and Vitamin B12 which stimulate hair structure and growth and also moisturize the scalp. 

Dietary supplements aren't regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the same way that medicines are, so it is very crucial to read and understand the description carefully. And before consuming, talk to your doctor and make sure it is safe to consume, and won't interact with any other medications you are taking (if there are any). 

Best hair growth supplements that you can include in your diet plan 

1) Vitamin A 

 Vitamin A is a necessary part of cell growth. It is required for hair growth, which is the fastest-growing tissue in the human body. Vitamin A also aids the production of sebum, an oily essence produced by the skin glands. Sebum helps to maintain hair healthy by moisturizing the scalp. Vitamin A deficiency can cause a variety of issues including hair loss. While getting adequate Vitamin A is crucial, you have to confirm that you are not overtaking it. Some studies have shown that too much Vitamin A has also been linked to hair loss in studies. Leafy vegetables, yellow and orange colored vegetables including carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and tomatoes, beef liver, fish oils, milk and eggs are rich in Vitamin A. 

2) Biotin
Biotin, which is a B Vitamin is one of the most well-known vitamins for hair development. Biotin's principal function is to assist in the conversion of food into energy. It is also required for the production of keratin, the protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. Biotin is used in a variety of hair supplements since the deficiency of biotin is linked with hair loss. Biotin rich foods include eggs, beef liver, salmon, sweet potatoes, almonds etc. 

3) Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 often known as cobalamin is one of the most essential vitamins for hair growth. Vitamin B12 aids in the creation of oxygen-rich red blood cells, which nourish hair follicles, promoting healthy hair development. Because the human body does not generate vitamin B12, you must obtain it through your diet. Animal-based foods such as fish, poultry, meat, dairy, and eggs contain B12. However, because this vitamin is not found in plant-based foods, vegans and vegetarians should consult their doctors and consume B12 supplements or eat B12 fortified foods.

4) Vitamin C

Vitamin C improves your hair because of a crucial feature of the vitamin that produces the protein known as collagen. Vitamin C supports hair health, and hair development, and prevents hair loss. A deficiency in Vitamin C can lead to dry hair and split ends.  Vitamin C can be obtained in a variety of ways including through daily diet, vitamin supplements, serums, hair masks etc. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that protects against free radical-induced oxidative stress. 

5) Vitamin D

 Vitamin D is a vitamin that is necessary for a variety of bodily activities. A vitamin D deficit can lead to a variety of issues, including hair loss. Vitamin D stimulates the growth of hair follicles, thus when the body lacks it, the hair may suffer. A lack of vitamin D has also been related to alopecia are at, an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair loss. Vitamin D aids in the development of new hair follicles. Hair may retain its thickness and current hair may not fall out prematurely as a result of new follicles. Getting enough vitamin D can help you with hair growth and regrowth. 

6) Vitamin E


Vitamin E is an antioxidant-rich group of eight fat-soluble vitamins. It also has a lot of advantages for our skin and hair. Vitamin E has recently emerged as a holistic remedy for all hair concerns, including hair loss. Vitamin E has natural antioxidant properties that may help sustain hair growth and support a healthy scalp and hair. The antioxidant qualities of the vitamin may assist to minimize the amount of oxidative stress and free radicals that cause the hair follicle cells on the scalp to break down. 

7) Iron

Iron deficiency anemia is a condition that arises when a person's body does not have enough iron or can not effectively use it. In some people, severe iron deficiency can cause hair loss. Iron improves circulation and transports oxygen to the roots of your hair, allowing it to grow faster and longer. 

8) Zinc 

Zinc is necessary for the growth and repair of hair tissue. It also aids in the normal functioning of the oil glands surrounding the follicles. A major symptom of zinc deficiency is hair loss. 

9) Protein

Hair is almost entirely made up of protein. So it is very important to intake enough protein to promote hair development. 

10) Omega 3 fatty acids


 Omega fatty acids, which are high in nutrients and proteins, can help boost your hair development and the overall health of your hair. Hair density and porosity can be improved by taking an omega supplement with antioxidants. It also helps to prevent hair loss.