How to deal with post-COVID hair loss

Can COVID-19 cause hair loss?

Hair loss is one of the most prevalent difficulties that people face as a post-COVID complication. For many people, this has become a post-COVID symptom. Telogen effluvium is a type of hair loss that occurs one and a half months following COVID recovery. It can be fairly severe, making life unpleasant for those who frequently lose hair in clumps while washing or combing it. The post COVID hair loss results because the body is put under a lot of stress as a result of a long time it takes to recover from the infection and all of the treatments. 

Telogen effluvium is a condition that occurs when the body is put through a period of physical and emotional stress. Unlike normal hair loss, which can result in a loss of up to 100 strands per day, post-COVID hair loss can result in a loss of 300-400 strands per day. The good fact about this is that it is a reversible hair loss. The hair will regrow, although it may take some time to reach its original volume.

How long does the post-COVID hair loss last?

The good news is that most cases of telogen effluvium recover within three to six months when the extra hairs that were prematurely transferred into the telogen phase have been shed. After a triggering event such as infection with covid-19, this type of recovery occurs. Those hairs will gradually shift back to normal after that phase is gone. Telogen effluvium does not result in the loss of hair follicles. Hair follicles are still present, and hair will recover eventually, even if hair does not develop temporarily.

The exact reason for post-COVID hair loss is unknown. Fever and other illnesses that come in the COVID may prevent the hair follicle from producing new cells and proteins. Hair may fall out as a result, and nail development may appear to be impaired as well.

How to deal with post-COVID hair loss

  • Getting enough vitamin D and iron following COVID can aid in dealing with telogen effluvium. Low iron levels have been shown to impede hair development. So eat a lot of protein, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Seek medical advice if you have an itchy scalp, redness, rash or burning in your scalp along with the hair loss. It could be due to something other than COVID induced halogen effluvium. If you feel like the hair loss has progressed to the point of being chronic, it's high time to seek medical advice.
  • Biotin tablets may help reduce hair loss during COVID by promoting hair growth and reducing inflammation. And also FDA-approved drug called minoxidil 5% may help with chronic telogen effluvium. Avoid consuming minoxidil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Wash your hair regularly to keep it free of dust and pollutants. Use a natural shampoo and conditioner to avoid scalp buildup. Choose the hair products wisely.